Max is 17 years old and has recently been involved in California politics and would like to explain what he is doing on behalf of the California people. He’s disillusioned about the way California is being run, and he doesn’t believe that Newson or our legislators have the people’s best interests at heart. He also doesn’t believe California is a lost cause, so he’s stepping in to change California for his generation. He’s been tracking bills and going to the capitol on a regular basis to reject the bills and the deceit in them. He’s even been tracking what his Board of Supervisors has been doing for the last several months. He thinks the worst of all the bills was AB1400, which he did go to an Assembly public hearing at the Capitol to oppose. The bill officially became void. He can now say he was a part of California history. He’s making videos on Facebook to inform people about the hearings and bills being heard in advance, and letting them know what dates are important. He believes that the spirit of California is being kept alive by very few people and he’s one of them. Some of his videos recently got recognized by the President of Latinos for Trump. He’s been doing this for about two years now and plans to hold some form of political office one day. If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never been in bed with a mosquito.
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