Movie Night
Wednesday – Jan 25th at 6pm

Dinesh D’Souza has done is a again with his statement documentary series and latest hit “Police State”. Come by the Republican Headquarters in Atascadero for a screening of the movie and judge for yourself if America is falling prey to totalitarianism.

Date: Jan 25th, 2024
Time: 6pm
Address: 7357 El Camino Real, Atascadero



“Dinesh D’Souza exposed the fraud of the 2020 Election in his film 2000 Mules.
Well now Dinesh is back and exposing the Witch Hunt that the Deep State has against ME! And the Police State is coming after you too.
Dinesh understands this, and is blowing the whistle on all of it!”

We can’t let this continue. I hope everyone will watch the film, POLICE STATE!

New videos Posted from October 2nd Meeting

October 7th, 2023|0 Comments

New Videos from October 2nd Meeting Watch the video segments of John Peschong - Supervisor District 1 and Darcia Stebbens local elections expert on our SloTeaParty Rumble Channel. Remember to share and subscribe

Presidential Debate Watch Party

August 21st, 2023|0 Comments

Come on by the HQ at 7357 El Camino Real in Atascdaero on Wednesday August 23rd at 5pm to watch the Presidential debates and Tucker Carlson interview. We will be switching back and forth for